Egypt Study Circle Auction 64
**** CLOSING Date and Time for all Postal/Email Bids is
MIDNIGHT (UK Time), Saturday April 30, 2022 ****
Please note that the illustrations
supplied from various sources are of varying quality; the colours should be considered only as approximate
representations of the items' true colours.
The prices are the reserve price and under bids will be ignored.
Bidding steps: £1 - £5, 50p; £5 - £20, £1; £20 - £50 - £2; £50 - £100, £5; over £100, £10.
Multiple image links like these:-
Indicate that the lot in question has more than one associated image.
Don't forget to click on all the links
Lot | Description | Reserve |
001 |
1926 Abu Suwer Fouad special aviation flight Cairo to Khartoum very scarce around 60 known

| £120.00
002 |
1912 official cover addressed to then 'Prince Ahmed Fouad' who later became king of Egypt with control block of 5 OHHS 1m issue very rare and unusual

| £300.00
003 |
1895 3 fragments with 4 bisected De La Rue stamps very unusual
| £75.00
004 |
1920-47 Cigarettes and tobacco, four used letters
| £40.00
005 |
1890-1950 British Consulate revenues on document
| £35.00
006 |
Playing Cards tax revenues, unrecorded by Feltus. Royal crown issue, what year?
| £30.00
007 |
1954 First issue Playing Cards tax revenue, Feltus page 44, No 381
| £25.00
008 |
1966 Electrical Administration £E1 revenue inside electricity company booklet. Feltus p 61, No 527

| £70.00
009 |
Egyptian tax revenue 10p unadopted hand-painted essay
| £80.00
010 |
Egyptian tax revenue 90p unadopted hand-painted essay
| £80.00
011 |
Egyptian tax revenue £E10.30 unadopted hand-painted essay
| £80.00
012 |
1969 Suez Canal centenary, issued 20 mills hand-painted stamp essay by Ibrahim el Tahtawy
| £50.00
013 |
Opera House March/April 1971, 16-page programme booklet. The old Opera House was burned down in 1972 and demolished
| £25.00
014 |
1934 Army greetings card with embossed royal crest

| £20.00
015 |
2001 tax revenues in full sheet of 100 stamps, 10 piastres
| £20.00
016 |
2003 tax revenues in full sheet of 100 stamps, 10 piastres
| £20.00
017 |
2004 tax revenues in full sheet of 100 stamps, 10 piastres
| £20.00
018 |
1963 2 mills Medical Syndicate, full sheet of 100 stamps. Feltus page 90 Bo 845 (stethoscope wmk)
| £40.00
019 |
1966 Agriculture Syndicates second issue, full sheet of 50 stamps. Feltus page 75 No 616
| £40.00
020 |
2020 Musicians Syndicate last issue revenues, full sheet of 30 £E5 stamps
| £70.00
021 |
2020 Musicians Syndicate last issue revenues, full sheet of 30 £E30 stamps
| £90.00
022 |
2020 Musicians Syndicate last issue revenues, £E5 and £30 stamps
| £18.00
023 |
Consular revenues, £E5 services revenue stamp with security star
| £20.00
024 |
British Sudan, 1950 Camel Corps on postcard

| £15.00
025 |
1943 Airgraph sealed with official label, and censors

| £15.00
026 |
1930 Oriental Philatelic House advertising card
| £25.00
027 |
1930-35 Imperial Airways air labels in full sheet
| £30.00
028 |
1970-80 three stamped paper revenue stamps
| £18.00
029 |
1954 Soldier postal stationery card series, four cards
| £40.00
030 |
1906 Advertising card for J.H.Syret barber shop
| £20.00
031 |
1930 Luxor Savoy Hotel advertising card
| £20.00
032 |
1930 Luxor Savoy Hotel brochure
| £20.00
033 |
1947 Postal ID card from Dumiat
| £25.00
034 |
1944/63 Various syndicates revenues on documents
| £25.00
035 |
Second Issue, Salama forgeries 5-para sheet
| £18.00
036 |
Palestinian Authority £5 revenue on document

| £25.00
037 |
Palestinian Authority £5 revenue on document

| £25.00
038 |
Lot of four advertising cards, circa 1915-50
| £15.00
039 |
1908 embossed Egyptian coins postcard

| £20.00
040 |
1880-81, two neat examples of first postcard, 1879 De La Rue 20 para (NP SPC1), used from Ismailia and Cairo to Alexandria. Clean markings on both cards

| £8.00
041 |
1895 DLR 2 mills postal stationery mini envelope uprated with 2x5mills DLR definitives for postage from Shepheard’s Hotel (Type 1 postmark) to St Cloud in France
(clear arrival mark behind)

| £10.00
042 |
1929, DLR 5 mills pink postal stationer letter sheet (NP SLS9), uprated with pair of 5m Fuads for registration from Bab el Khalq (Cairo) to HH Samira Hanem el Bahroudy in Zamalek

| £20.00
043 |
1929, DLR 5 mills pink postal stationer letter sheet (NP SLS9), uprated with 10m Fuad for registration from Bab el Khalq (Cairo) to HH Samira Hanem el Bahroudy in Zamalek

| £20.00
044 |
1930, much-travelled Fuad 5 mills postal stationer letter sheet (NP SLS 10, with wmk el-barid el-masry), uprated with pair of 5m Fuads for registration and sent first from
Cairo to Ibrahim Rashid Bey en ville, redirected to Alexandria, to Shatby and cancelled with arrival cds of Ibrahimia Ramleh

| £25.00
045 |
1939, Fuad 5 mills postal stationer letter sheet (NP SLS 10), uprated with Boy King 20 mills for registration and AR en ville in Cairo to HH Samira Hanem el Baroudy in Zamalek

| £20.00
046 |
1941 5m Boy King letter sheet (NP SLS11, $100 used) uprated with 10+6m Boy King for registration from Azhar to Ahmed Bey Mustafa in Dokki/Giza

| £28.00
047 |
1946, three mint examples of Farouk Marechal 4 mills mini-envelope (NP SEN 37-39) showing types, including brown filigree design printed inside (rare)
| £30.00
048 |
1956, Farouk Air Letter of 1949 (wmk al-barid al-masry, NP SALS4), used after fall of monarchy. Thousands of mint examples discovered in nation’s post offices,
portrait cut out and sheet used as a postal letter form for official use from Matai

| £40.00
049 |
1984 55 mills registered letter sheet of 1969 uprated with 2pi+5m adhesives and used En Ville within Cairo from Saiyida Zeinab to El-Daher. Original sheet is Nile Post
SRLS1, with printing error broken U on UAR

| £14.00
050 |
1935, Fuad 5 mills postal stationer letter sheet (NP SLS 10), sent from Sidi Gabr to HH Galila Hanem Moheb in Falaky Street, Cairo

| £18.00
051 |
1909-1985, group of 26 incoming covers and postcards from unusual sources including Equatorial Africa, Yugoslavia, Italy, Mauritius, Aden, South Africa,
Switzerland, Lebanon, Russia, Cyprus, Albania, Japan, China, Saar, Norway Mexico, Vatican
| £22.00
052 |
1934-1955, group of nine covers and postcards, local and incoming, all of them carrying postage due markings and/or Postage Due stamps – 4,6,10,10,20 mills
| £22.00
053 |
1907-1917, four covers locally used with Rural markings including Wasta arrival from Tammuh, Nabaroh II (cartouche Behout), Tanta arrival from Santa

| £22.00
054 |
1917-40, group of four Rural Service covers from Hehya-Kafr el Nassara and Basyun-Kafr el Dawar
| £25.00
055 |
1918-1938, ten covers locally used with Rural markings including Basyun-Kafr el-Dawar, Faraskur-Ghoneimia, Qanatir Khairia-Izbit Awkaf Malakiya (blue), Tod-Talaa
| £28.00
056 |
1918-1938, three Rural Service covers, one of them a 2m Fuad embossed stationery cover
| £15.00
057 |
1929-1940, five covers used locally, all with Rural markings, including Bani Mazar-Hilmia, Zagazig-Hihya,
| £20.00
058 |
Feb 1947, Obvious forgery of Rural marking on a rather neat Express cover from Cairo to Shoubra.. Biba-Dashtout
(with final UT missing as usual) Rural marking of 1914 added to the face in blue.

| £8.00
059 |
1924-1953, group of six covers and a certificate, all of them duty paid with stamps from booklets, including pair of First Fuad 5m on document,
Harrison’s 5m, Fuad 5m, Boy King 5 and 6m, Republican Soldier 10m

| £22.00
060 |
1900,1905, two black and white postcards, addressed to Constantinople (1900) and Yorkshire (1905), franked respectively with1pi rose DLR and vertical pair of
1pi blue DLR. Why these unusual amounts?

| £10.00
061 |
24 X 13, commercial cover addressed En Ville from Alex to Armenian lawyer Boghos Bey Agopian in San Stefano.
Stamp apparently lost en route and taxed on arrival with 2 mills green Postage Due

| £12.00
062 |
1958, registered cover used En Ville in Cairo between two lawyers, franked with three UAR stamps with rare late use of early-century straight-line Avis De Reception cachet

| £20.00
063 |
1970, neat Arabic cover addressed Poste Restante from Cairo to Shoubra, with the poste restante10 mills fee (?) paid by a pair of 5 mils general revenues.

| £10.00
064 |
1960s, group of three covers posted within Egypt and provided with out-of-the-ordinary postal markings – 1962 Mansourah Moliv(?) Group, 1962 Aswan Qissariya
(with Reg cachet), 1972 Masif el Mamurah
| £15.00
065 |
1959-63, group of ten Republican machine CDSs, all different types on cheques and covers. Most unusual;
| £20.00
066 |
4 JU 25, printed envelope of King Fuad’s private photographer, franked 5m to Zeitoun and containing a receipt for 1,000 piastres tarif received from His Excellency
Mohamed Pacha el-Cheres.
| £15.00
067 |
1912-20, Group of three good conduct certificates awarded to soldiers in the Egyptian Army in Egypt and Sudan - clear markings of Recruiting Department,
Staff Officer Department of St… and Berber Province / Accounts. Remarkable survival
| £10.00
EGYPT AND SUDAN WAR OFFICE The following six lots comprise official War Office correspondence, with several rare markings |
068 |
17 Sept 1895, foolscap letter in English to Public Works Department from Head Quarters, Egyptian Army, War Office, Cairo
| £8.00
069 |
20 Oct 1901, English typed and handwritten correspondence dealing with transfer of employment of a staff member, continues over page. Nice strikes of
Director of Stores / Egyptian Army and Adjutant General / Egyptian Army
| £8.00
070 |
30 June 1903, all-Arabic correspondence to and from Recruiting Department signed by E.S (?)Herbert, deputy to General Argonaut(?). Continues over page
| £8.00
071 |
21 July 1904, all-Arabic letter to the Egyptian War Office from the Khedivial Guard (wonderful handstamp) seeking a list of properties for General Argonaut(?)
| £8.00
072 |
15 Jan 1906, typed letter in English from India to Under Secretary of State for Public Works in Cairo
| £8.00
073 |
6 Aug 1908, letter typed in English – continuing correspondence about a free pass for the Cairo Tramways, written by Kamaikam Assistant Adjutant General, Egyptian Army
| £8.00
074 |
15 3 2020, buff cover from Heliopolis to Hamilton, Canada, returned to sender two months later with rectangular boxed instructional cachet reading in Arabic “Return. No Service”
| £10.00
075 |
1938, Royal Wedding … Farouk 18th Birthday £E1 stamp in right marginal block of four. Pristine perfect condition with original gum, unmounted (SG 272, cat £250 each)
| £490.00
076 |
Error: 20 Oct 2020, £E4 commem with mistake in the spelling of Egypt – EYGPT. Later withdrawn from all post offices in the country. Full mint sheet of 50 stamps
| £150.00
077 |
Error: Oct 2020 EYGPT error on commem stamp on FDC with same spelling in first-day special cancel
| £30.00
078 |
3 April 2021, Golden Parade of the Pharaohs issue, commemorative presentation pack including all 22 stamps at £E5 each on First Day cover
plus mini sheet and strip of three on FDC plus brochure (only 1500 printed). Sold out at post offices in ten days
| £48.00
079 |
1938 typed letter from Kairo branch of Nazi Party withdrawing Egyptian engineer’s guest invitation to attend their meetings, complete with swastika and Heil Hitler
| £50.00
080 |
1950s-60s group of items from Ras el-Bar – 1967 cover and letter (in French) written from Hotel Beau Sejour, plus two b/w cards, one labelled 1956, other written in 1961
| £15.00
081 |
January 2022, incoming registered cover from Sofia to Heliopolis resealed with the most recent Postal Authority red and green sticky-tape resealing label
reading “Opened for Customs Inspection” in Arabic

| £10.00
| | |